“Beautiful” by Grace H.
Beautiful is a feather in the wind or the sunset over the ocean. She drifts in the breeze and is as graceful as a flag dancing in the wind. Her colors reflect in the water like glass catching the light and she fills the sky with purple, pinks, and oranges. She knows her flaws and accepts them, Beautiful is a role model for young girls, making them step back and realize that they too are beautiful in their own way. She encourages them to break out of their shells and be themselves. She is light, when everything is dark. She is colorful when everything is dull. She is happy when everyone is sad. She has an open heart and an open mind ready to take on anything the world throws at her.
Directions: Write a description of the person who inspires you mimicking the writing style in the passage “Beautiful” (above). Include at least FIVE literary devices (metaphor, simile, imagery, juxtaposition) in your piece.
please help asap
its due in 25 minutes