1. Tackle climate change
2. Modify homes and businesses to help them withstand floods
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Tackle climate change
Climate change has contributed to a rise in extreme weather events, scientists believe. Earlier this month the leader of the Green Party, Natalie Bennett, welcomed the landmark Paris Agreement, whereby governments from 195 countries pledged to "pursue efforts" to limit the increase in global average temperatures to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels. "It is now crucial that world leaders deliver on the promise of Paris," Ms Bennett said. "The pressure is now on the British government to reverse its disastrous environmental policy-making."
2. Modify homes and businesses to help them withstand floods
The focus should be on "flood resilience" rather than defence schemes, according to Laurence Waterhouse, director of civil engineering flood consultancy Pell Frischmann. He advised concreting floors and replacing materials such as MDF and plasterboard with more robust alternatives. "We are going to have to live with flooding. It's here to stay," Mr Waterhouse said. "We need to be prepared." His recommendations were echoed by Mr Rooke, who suggested waterproofing homes and businesses and moving electric sockets higher up the walls to increase resilience.