there are 5 main aspects of personal health: physical, emotional,social,spiritual, and intellectual.
physical weelness indicates a high levelnof endurance, flexibility and strength. it incorporates daily exercise through cardiovascular and muscular activities.
mental or emotional wellness focuses on an acceptance and afreement with one's emotions and feelings. A person need to reach a high level of self-respect and dignoty.
lifestyle wellness doesn't have a definite, agreed upon route or direction for accomplishment. lifestyle wellness incoporates many different dimentions of wellness. but deals mostly with having a balanced lifestyle. every person has a different idea of what a balanced idea includes.
intellectual wellness encourages us to engage in creative and mentallu-stimulating activities. these activities should expand ur knowledge and skills while allowing you to share ur knowledge and skills with others. intellectual knowledge includes learning. its important to explore new ideas and understanding in order to become more mindful and better-rounded. having an optimal level of intellectual wellness inspires exploration. also stimulates curiosity.