He makes a funny connection about Americans' behavior with foreign foods and the lives of foreigners in the USA. This creates a connection between immigrants, who recognize this situation, and he who is also an immigrant.
Step-by-step explanation:
Trevor Noah makes a funny report about the prejudice and discrimination that immigrants can face inside the USA, he does it in a fun, sarcastic and highly relatable way, since this account has his personal experiences and is recognized by immigrants who recognize these situations and are represented.
Making a connection to this, Trevor shows how Americans love foreign foods, even racist and prejudiced, xenophobic Americans splash out on foods that originate from other ethnicities. At this moment Trevo makes a strong circus, but full of humor and shows how if the Americans are xenophobic they have to reject all kinds of foreign food in their country and live only eating potatoes (no spices because they are foreigners, only potatoes) .