Good writing takes time. This means that students need to set time aside to brainstorm, pre write, plan, draft, and then revise, revise, and revise. If students leave their essay to the last minute, they tend to become overwhelmed by the writing task and panic by looking for an alternative. This alternative is usually plagiarism. Students must do everything possible to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism, a form of academic misconduct, results in failure. Plagiarism is when students knowingly present another person’s language or ideas (or paper) as if it was their own work. Plagiarism includes using the words, ideas, answers, or works of another writer without providing clear acknowledgement of the original author and accurate citation. If you cut-and-paste various sentences found at a number of different web sites and/or works, and incorporate them into your essay without properly citing them, this is still plagiarism. Plagiarism also includes using academic papers for sale or allowing another person to write any section of the student’s assignment. When researching electronic online sources and/or using information from published or unpublished works, students must fully and clearly acknowledge the original writer and employ correct citation methods. Plagiarism in class results in failure on the plagiarized assignment and may result in failure of the course.
Students should feel comfortable browsing the internet in search of information related to their essay topic. It's always helpful to google a topic and learn what kind of information is being distributed about that topic. It's also an excellent brainstorming tool. Also, using reference books such as dictionaries and encyclopedias to learn about new ideas is also helpful. However, any time you consult a work, and use their ideas, you need to cite them as well.Ways to Avoid Plagiarism:
1) Print everything! Often times a student will find excellent information on the web site, but he/she will forget to print it. Later, the student might want to use this information, but he/she may not find it again online. This can be frustrating, and students might be tempted to use whatever information they can remember, without citing it. Students can simply avoid this by printing every online document they find useful.
2) Photocopy everything! Students often times make the mistake of photocopying only the pages where they find interesting quotes, and they forget to photocopy the title page of the book/article where the title and author are listed. Be detailed and photocopy all information you will need to later cite the source properly.
Step-by-step explanation:
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