rule number 1: if the last digit in 5.275 is less than 5, them remove the last digit.
rule number 2: if the last digit in 5.275 is 5 or more and the second to the last digit in 5.275 is less than 9, then remove the last digit and add 1 to the second to last digit
rule number 3: if the last digit in 5.275 is 5 or more and the second to last digit IS 9, and the 3rd to last digit is LESS THAN 9, then remove the last digit, make the 2nd to last digit 0 and add 1 to the number to the third to last digit.
rule number 4: if the last digit in 5.275 IS 9, and the 3rd to the last digit is 9, then add 1 to the number on the left side of the decimal point and make the right side of the decimal point 00