This is the answer because:
Short Way:
1) We know 3 x 2 is 6
2) When we multiply with zeros, how many ever zeros there are in the factors together, should be in the answer. In this case, in the answer we should have 3 zeros, one before the decimal point and two after the decimal point, because in 0.02 there are two zeros while in 0.3 there is only one zero.
3) Finally, the answer would be 0.006
Long Way:
1) You can do long multiplication to solve for the answer.
2) 0.02
Ă— 0.3
Is 0.006 because 3 x 2 is 6, and then 3 x 0 is 0 and then 3 x 0 is 0.
Remember to put a decimal point.
Hope this helps!