They needed temperature protection and protection from predators. For this reason they needed clothes and some kind of weapon made of bones or stones.
Explanation: Humans left Africa due to very efficient evolutionary traits, such as the development of the opposing thumb, bipedalism, increased mental capacity, and the ability to make and use objects to achieve their goals, among others, the ancestors of humans had great adaptive success. and expanded demographically, thereby gradually conquering new territories. Certainly the sapiens species has expanded the most, reaching the demographic indices we see today and the deepest corners of the planet, including Antarctica.
However, this expansion brought with it some dangers that required humans to protect themselves in some way. Among the most notable dangers are temperature and the presence of predators. The temperature outside Africa was different from what humans were used to. For this reason, they needed to protect themselves with "clothes" to avoid problems. In addition, they had to create weapons that served to protect themselves from predators as well as to hunt.