BOSS: "What's your explanation this time?"
EMPLOYEE: "Oh- ah! W-well, you see, I was at home with my dog when all of a sudden I heard a whirring sound outside. Then, everything went blank. By the time I woke up in my backyard, I was in my underwear and then I was late. I was totally abducted, sir!"
BOSS: ". . . C'mere."
EMPLOYEE: *walks over to their boss*
BOSS: *Sighs* "You've been drinking again, haven't you."
EMPLOYEE: "No, I was abducted, for real!"
BOSS: "Don't lie to me when I can smell it. I'm not tolerating this anymore. You're fired."
EMPLOYEE: *goes home sad, sits on the couch, and grabs another drink.*
ALIEN: *sitting on his couch* "Rough day?"
EMPLOYEE: "I was fired. . ."
ALIEN: "Me too. . ."
EMPLOYEE: "What for?"
ALIEN: "Apparently, I was supposed to abduct a cow."
EMPLOYEE: "That's rough buddy."