Cell wall:
- Is rigid and thick
- Is made of cellulose
- Transports chemicals through plasmodesmata.
Plant cells are made of rigid cell walls made of cellulose. The cell wall is a layer surrounding some types of cells, just outside the cell membrane
The main function of the cell wall is to protect and support the cell.
- Are oval shaped
- Are filled with chlorophyll
- Have a 2 membrane structure
Chloroplasts are special and unique structures found in plant cells that are king when it comes to turning sunlight into energy for the plant to use. (this process is called chlorophyll).
The function of chloroplasts is Photosynthis.
Central Vacuole:
- Have a membrane-bound sac
- Are very large
The central vacuole is an celluar organelle found in plant cells. It's usually the biggest organelle in the cell and is surrounded by a membrane.
Function: it holds materials and wastes; Storage.
Hope this helped!