5 votes
Hoy es el cumpleaños de Pablo. Primero, Pablo se despierta a las 6. Él come los panqueques y bebe la

leche para el desayuno. Entonces, Pablo se ducha y se seca el pelo con toalla. En el baño, se lava la
cara y se afeita. Luego, él se viste en el espejo. Pablo sale para la escuela. En la escuela, Pablo y sus
amigos hablan mucho. Su novia y su mejor amigo le compran un regalo especial, boletos del partido
de los Broncos. También, Pablo recibe una buena nota en la clase de ciencias. Después de sus clases,
Pablo regresa a casa. Pablo y su familia comen la cena favorita de Pablo. Luego, Pablo y sus abuelos
chatean en Facetime. Finalmente, Pablo se cepilla los dientes y se lava la cara. ¡Es un día fantástico!

2 Answers

5 votes


Today is Pablo's birthday. First, Pablo wakes up at 6. He eats the pancakes and drinks the

milk for breakfast. So Pablo takes a shower and towel-dries his hair. In the bathroom, she washes her

face and shaves. Then he dresses in the mirror. Pablo leaves for school. At school, Pablo and his

friends talk a lot. His girlfriend and his best friend buy him a special gift, party tickets

of the Broncos. Also, Pablo gets a good grade in science class. After your classes,

Pablo returns home. Pablo and his family eat Pablo's favorite dinner. Then Pablo and his grandparents

they chat is Facetime. Finally, Pablo brushes his teeth and washes his face. It's a fantastic day!




Step-by-step explanation:

User Sceptic
6.3k points
1 vote


Today is Pablo's birthday. First, Pablo wakes up at 6. He eats the pancakes and drinks the

milk for breakfast. So Pablo takes a shower and towel-dries his hair. In the bathroom, he washes his

face and shaves. Then he dresses in the mirror. Pablo leaves for school. At school, Pablo and his

friends talk a lot. His girlfriend and his best friend buy him a special gift,

Broncos game tickets . Also, Pablo gets a good grade in science class. After his classes,

Pablo returns home. Pablo and his family eat Pablo's favorite dinner. Later, Pablo and his grandparents

chat on Facetime. Finally, Pablo brushes his teeth and washes his face. It's a fantastic day!




User Ansgar
6.4k points