1.)I have a major in my town.
2.)I make vase out of clay.
3.)Today I went to school.
4.)I get my lunch on a tray at school.
5.)People get payed for doing there job.
6.)I hit the rail with my elbow.
7.)The water comes from the drain.
8.)I almost fainted after gym.
9.)I aimed the target with my bow.
10.)It rained outside.
11.)I forgot to save my homework paper.
12.)I like the taste of sugar cane.
13.)I have a pale of water by my door so if my water goes off I have the pale.
14.)I have a line on the right side of my face.
15.)I have a crate of toy's for my little siblings.
16.)I have a school assignment that is late.
17.)The lion has a mane on his head.
18.)People need a beak so they don't stressed out to fast.
19.)We have to see what the veggies weigh.
20.)The trails think they are smart.