Which answer best paraphrases the central idea of the passage? That day I walked to Gestapo headquarters. The red-and- black swastika flew from the flagpole. Uniformed Germans were everywhere. It was a well-known fact that people who entered this building did not always leave it again ... No one was in the room except Silberbauer. I got right to the point. "How much money do you want to free the people you arrested the other day?" He replied, "I'm very sorry. I can't do anything to help you. An order just came down. I can't deal as freely as I would like to." -Anne Frank Remembered, Miep Gies O Miep is scared as she enters the Gestapo headquarters. O Miep brought a lot of money to get Anne released. O The Nazi officer doesn't want to help Miep. O Miep tries to bribe the Nazi officer to get the Frank family freed.
I need a answer asap​