Whole Numbers:
0000 0001 (Binary) --> 1 (Decimal)
Real Numbers:
0000 0001 (Binary) --> 0.00390635 (Decimal)
Step-by-step explanation:
In general, the smallest nonzero number that can be displayed in binary that is a whole number is 1. Consider that as you increase by 1 in the binary system starting from 0, you will have the following:
0000 0000 == 0
0000 0001 == 1 (Smallest nonzero)
0000 0010 == 2
0000 0011 == 3
... etc.
Notice the smallest value here is decimal 1. With this in mind, you will need to "program" you Flippy Do Pro to display this value. Alternatively, if you consider decimal numbers in binary with the Flippy Do Pro, you can have even smaller nonzero numbers. Depending on where you decide to place the decimal, you can even have smaller nonzero values.
Let's assume that you say this is a fractional representation of binary on the Flippy Do Pro. Then, you will say your decimal is infront of the display of the Flippy Do Pro, hence index 9 (which is not displayed). From here, you will simply say the following:
0000 0000 == 0.0
0000 0001 == 0.00390635 (Smallest nonzero)
0000 0010 == 0.0078125
0000 0100 == 0.015625
... etc.
Note, in binary, as you move the value of 1 to the right of the decimal, you are doing (1 / 2^n), where n is the index value to the right of the decimal.
Hence, depending on if you are to consider just whole numbers or real numbers, the smallest value displayed can be different even though the number being displayed is still 0000 0001.