Add this code the the /* Your solution goes here */ part of program:
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { //iterates through the 3-character passCode
if (isdigit(passCode[i])) //uses isdigit() method to check if character is a digit
hasDigit = true; } //sets the value of hasDigit to true when the above if condition evaluates to true
Step-by-step explanation:
Here is the complete program:
#include <iostream> //to use input output functions
using namespace std; // to identify objects like cin cout
int main() { // start of main function
bool hasDigit; // declares a bool type variable
string passCode; //declares a string type variable to store 3-character passcode
hasDigit = false; // sets the value of hasDigit as false initially
cin >> passCode; // reads the pass code from user
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { //iterate through the 3 character pass code
if (isdigit(passCode[i])) // checks if any character of the 3-character passcode contains a digit
hasDigit = true; } //sets the value of hasDigit to true if the passcode contains a digit
if (hasDigit) { // if pass code has a digit
cout << "Has a digit." << endl;} //displays this message when passcode has a digit
else { //if pass code does not have a digit
cout << "Has no digit." << endl;} //displays this message when passcode does not have a digit
return 0;}
I will explain the program with an example. Lets say the user enters ab1 as passcode. Then the for loop works as follows:
At first iteration:
i = 0
i<3 is true because i=0
if (isdigit(passCode[i]) this if statement has a method isdigit which is passed the i-th character of passCode to check if that character is a digit. This condition evaluates to false because passCode[0] points to the first character of pass code i.e. a which is not a digit. So the value of i is incremented to 1
At second iteration:
i = 1
i<3 is true because i=1
if (isdigit(passCode[i]) this if statement has a method isdigit which is passed the i-th character of passCode to check if that character is a digit. This condition evaluates to false because passCode[1] points to the second character of pass code i.e. b which is not a digit. So the value of i is incremented to 1
At third iteration:
i = 2
i<3 is true because i=2
if (isdigit(passCode[i]) this if statement has a method isdigit which is passed the i-th character of passCode to check if that character is a digit. This condition evaluates to true because passCode[3] points to the third character of pass code i.e. 1 which is a digit. So the hasDigit = true; statement executes which set hasDigit to true.
Next, the loop breaks at i=3 because value of i is incremented to 1 and the condition i<3 becomes false.
Now the statement if (hasDigit) executes which checks if hasDigit holds. So the value of hasDigit is true hence the output of the program is:
Has a digit.