A, B, C
First we know that rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed as fractions and have the numerator and denominator of that fraction be integers/whole numbers. Example: 2 is a rational number because it can be expressed as fraction 2/1, 1.5 is also a rational number as it can be expressed as fraction 3/2. We can easily deduce here that all integers are therefore rational numbers.
From the above, 18 is an integer and is a rational number since it can be expressed 18/1 and will still be a rational number if integers such as in options A, B, C in the question are added to it(it would still be an integer)
Now to remain a non zero rational number, it would need not be evaluated 0/5 or 0/1 for example such that the quotient is 0 rational number, and since the interger is not zero and integers added to it in options A, B, C also increase and not decrease it, we can conclude that options A, B, C all make 18 a non zero rational number