The state of Israel has been a major source of conflict in the Middle East since even before its creation in 1948. The conflict started when European Jews migrated to Palestine with the hope of starting their own state soon after World War II. Due to its historical and religious importance, the European Jews believed Palestine was the best location to start a new state. This created a conflict because large numbers of Jews began to immigrate to Palestine while Palestinian Arabs were already living in the region. The Palestinian Arabs in the region did not have their own independent state, yet were hoping to create one. At the time, the British were in charge of the land and soon decided to turn the issue over to the United Nations. The United Nations created a resolution to divide Palestine into two independent states, one for the Jewish population and one for the Arab population. This resolution not only led to violent conflicts between the Jews and the Palestinians, it also angered many of the surrounding Arab states. The conflict over the state of Israel has lasted over 50 years. Peace agreements in the region have still proven unsuccessful.
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