As some of the answers are already in the list I'll focus on the ones that are not.
3. Common Stock
Balance Sheet Classification ⇒ SE
Debit or Credit Balance ⇒ Credit
4. Patents
Balance Sheet Classification ⇒ NCA - Non current asset
Debit or Credit Balance ⇒ Debit
5. Income Taxes Payable
Balance Sheet Classification ⇒ CL
Debit or Credit Balance ⇒ Credit
7. Marketable Securities (short term- Investments)
Balance Sheet Classification ⇒ CA
Debit or Credit Balance ⇒ Debit
8. Property, Plant and Equipment
Balance Sheet Classification ⇒ NCA
Debit or Credit Balance ⇒ Debit
9. Investments ( Long - term)
Balance Sheet Classification ⇒ NCA
Debit or Credit Balance ⇒ Debit