Find the Least Common Denominator (LCD) for the two fractions, so the operation can be performed. The LCD is constructed from the factors the fractions have, making sure that all factors they need are included.
In our case, for the first fraction, the factor 2 is needed, and for the second fraction, the factor 7 is needed. Then the LCD is: 2 * 7 = 14
So now, let's write both denominators with the same LCD, by finding the appropriate equivalent fractions:
- 3 /2 = - (3*7) / (2*7) = -21 / 14
3 / 7 = (3*2) / (7*2) = 6 / 14
Therefore the combining can now be performed and renders:
- (21/ 14) + (6/ 14) = - (15/14)
The result is then the fraction : -15/14