1 d.p:
4.03834 = 4.0
24.8845 = 24.9
0.62346 = 0.6
2.3999 = 2.4
The 1 d.p is the first number after the decimal point and to write it as 1 d.p you need to round it off.
2 d.p:
4. 03834 = 4.04
24.8845 = 24.88
0.62346 = 0.62
2.3999 = 2.40
The 2 d.p is the second number after the decimal point.
3 d.p:
4.03834 = 4.038
24.8845 = 24.885
0.62346 = 0.623
2.3999 = 2.400
The 3 d.p is the third number after the decimal point.