Since I am unable to see or know where the point of view is coming from, here are some ways to identify the point of view. For first-person it would be using " I, me, and my" Second-person is still centered around one person, but uses he, him, her, she, and so on. The third-person is a reflection of all the charecters, so it will say most of their unsaid thoughts and uses he, him, her, and she.
Each POV gives a different meaning and life to the story, even if it may seem useless and it was just the author's preferred writing style. For example, first-person gives the story a more realistic point of view, and also these stories may connect to the reader better. Second-person gives a broader range of perspective, even if it is still centered around the one character it still describes their surroundings better. Third-person I imagine being like watching a movie but instead reading it. This POV can help the readers, because now instead of getting one persons point of view, they are understanding all character's POVs.
hope this helps in some way shape or form.