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Why did Virginia slave laws change so frequently?

User Ashiina
7.2k points

1 Answer

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Step-by-step explanation:

Slave Law in Colonial Virginia: A Timeline

1607: Jamestown, the first British North American settlement, was founded in Virginia.

1619: The first African Americans arrived in Jamestown, Virginia.

1640: Virginia courts sentenced a black run away servant, John Punch, to "serve his said master . . . for the time of

his natural Life."

1660: Virginia law enacted on English running away with negroes.

BEE itt enacted That in case any English servant shall run away in company with any negroes who are incapable of

makeing satisfaction by addition of time, Bee itt enacted that the English so running away in company with them shall

serve for the time of the said negroes absence as they are to do for their owne by a former act.

1662: Virginia law enacted on: Run-aways.

WHEREAS there are diverse loytering runaways in this country who very often absent themselves from their masters

service and sometimes in a long time cannot be found, that losse of the time and the charge in the seeking them often

exceeding the value of their labor: Bee it therefore enacted that all runaways that shall absent themselves from their

said masters shalbe lyable to make satisfaction by service after the times by custome or indenture is expired (vizt.)

double their times of service soe neglected, and if the time of their running away was in the crop or the charge of

recovering them extraordinary the court shall lymitt a longer time of service proportionable to the damage the master

shall make appeare he hath susteyned, and because the adjudging the time they should serve is often referred untill

the time by indenture is expired, when the proofe of what is due is very uncertaine, it is enacted that the master of

any runaway that intends to take the benefitt of this act, shall as soone as he hath recovered him carry him to the next

commissioner and there declare and prove the time of his absence, and the charge he hath bin at in his recovery,

which commissioner thereupon shall grant his certificate, and the court on that certificate passe judgment for the time

he shall serve for his absence; and in case any English servant shall run away in company of any negroes who are

incapable of making satisfaction by addition of a time, it is enacted that the English soe running away in the company

with them shall at the time of service to their owne masters expired, serve the masters of the said negroes for their

absence soe long as they should have done by this act if they had not beene slaves, every christian in company serving

his proportion; and if the negroes be lost or dye in such time of their being run away, the christian servants in company

with them shall by proportion among them, either pay fower thousand five hundred pounds of tobacco and caske or

fower yeares service for every negroe soe lost or dead.

1662: Virginia law enacted: Negro womens children to serve according to the condition of the mother.

WHEREAS some doubts have arrisen whether children got by any Englishman upon a negro woman should be slave or

ffree, Be it therefore enacted and declared by this present grand assembly, that all children borne in this country shalbe

held bond or free only according to the condition of the mother, And that if any christian shall committ ffornication with

a negro man or woman, hee or shee so offending shall pay double the ffines imposed by the former act.

1667: Virginia law enacted, declaring that baptisme of slaves doth not exempt them from bondage.

WHEREAS some doubts have risen whether children that are slaves by birth, and by the charity and piety of their

owners made pertakers of the blessed sacrament of baptisme, should by vertue of their baptisme be made ffree; It is

enacted and declared by this grand assembly, and the authority thereof, that the conferring of baptisme doth not

alter the condition of the person as to his bondage or freedome; that diverse masters, ffreed from this doubt, may

more carefully endeavour the propagation of christianity by permitting children, though slaves, or those of growth if

capable to be admitted to that sacrament

1669: Virginia law enacted: An act about the casuall killing of slaves.

User Jokumer
6.7k points