Krulik, Stephen; Rudnick, Jesse A.
Problem Solving: A Handbook for Elementary School
249p.; Drawings may not reproduce well.
Allyn & Bacon/Logwood Division, 160 Gould Street,
Needham Heights, MA 02194-2310 ($35.95, 20% off 10 or
Guides - Classroom Use - Guides (For Teachers) (052)
MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS.
*Cognitive Development; Curriculum Development;
Decision Making; Elementary Education; *Elementary
School Mathematics; Expert Systems; *Heuristics;
Instructional Materials; Learning Activities;
Learning Strategies; Logical Thinking; Mathematical
Applications; Mathematics Materials; Mathematics
Skills; *Problem Sets; *Problem Solving
This book combines suggestions for the teaching of
problem solving with activities and carefully discussed non-routine
problems which students should find interesting as they gain valuable
experience in problem solving. The over 300 activities and problems
have been gleaned from a variety of sources and have been classroom
tested by practicing teachers. Topics included are an explanation of
problem solving and heuristics, the pedagogy of problem solving,
strategy games, and non-routine problems. An extensive rumber of
problems and strategy game boards are given. A 50-item bibliography
of problem solving resources is included. (Author/MVL)