An exciting turnaround in Grendel's conflict comes when Beowulf and his warriors realize that the weapons they possess do not hit the creature. This reveals that Grendel is more powerful than we thought and it takes reasoning and strength to stop him and not weapons.
Step-by-step explanation:
In the epic poem Beowulf we are presented with a great turnaround in the narrative when Beowulf is facing his great enemy, the powerful monster Grendel, who had already killed many warriors and destroyed the quality of life of the people.
Beowulf is well armed to face the monster, but all his weaponry has been taken in vain, because no weapon can harm Grendel. This is the great twist of the narrative.
This shows that Grendel is extremely powerful and that it would take very quick thinking and a superhuman strength to defeat him. Fortunately, Beowulf had this reasoning and quickly realized that Beowul would only be won in a one-on-one match, where the strongest would be the winner. In this case, Beowulf won by pulling Grendel's arm off with his own hands.