20400/10 = 2040
When dividing by the number 10, it is the same as moving the decimal point over 1 point to the left.
10/10 = 1.0
100/10 = 10.0
1000/10 = 100.0
Such as:
4/10 = 0.4
25/10 = 2.5
24.3/10 = 2.43
By increasing the number of zeros you divide by, say 100 or 1000. You simply move the decimal over that many times. (for 10 it's 1, for 100 it's 2, and for 1000 it's 3).
23/100 = 0.23
54.4/1000 = 0.0544
20400/10 = 2040.0