about 5368.6 miles per day
The units "km/hour" has hours in the denominator. To get days in the denominator, you need a fraction with hours in the numerator and days in the denominator: hours/day. To keep the same value, that fraction must have the same time period in the numerator as the denominator: (24 h)/(1 da).
{360 km/h)×(24 h)/(1 da) = (360×24) km/da = 8640 km/da
Similarly to replace km in the numerator with miles, you need to multiply by a fraction that has miles in the numerator and km in the denominator.
(8640 km/da)×(1 mi)/(1.609344 km) = 8640/1.609344 mi/da
≈ 5368.6 mi/da