it will increase to about 26,214,400 rabbits.
the number doubles every 6 months,
first of all we have to convert the 10 yrs to months ,,, which will be 10 × 12 months to get = 120 months in total.
divide 120 by 6 months to get the number of times the rabbits will increase to get the answer as = 20.
so we will have to double 20 times.
there are 25 rabbits now. I n the next 6 months, we will have 25 × 2 = 50...... that is i time.......19 times to go. the numbers will go as follows:
50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600, 102400, 204800, 409600, 819200, 1638400, 3276800, 6553600, 13107200, 26214400.