The library
Step-by-step explanation:
My favorite place to read is the library. I love¹⁰ to curl up on my favorite comfy couch and grab²⁰ favorite book. I cry, laugh, and have the same feelings³⁰ as the characters in my book. Even though the library⁴⁰ is a public place once I start reading I am⁵⁰ not in a library anymore. I am flying in an⁶⁰ airplane about to crash. I am on Mars exploring. I⁷⁰ am in the hot and marshy Florida trying to survive⁸⁰. Then, when the book ends I return to reality. I⁹⁰ am in a comfy couch. Loving what I read and¹⁰⁰ getting up to get a new book I love even more¹¹⁰.