A. Undergo apoptosis following unrepaired DNA damage >> Cancer cell
B. Several successive mutations in a proliferative clone of cells >> Cancer cell
C. Does not invade surrounding tissues >> Normal cell
D. Relatively low levels of telomerase >> Normal cell
E. Stable genome >> Normal cell
F. Many chromosomal abnormalities >> Cancer cell
G. Loss of contact inhibition >> Cancer cell
H. Capable of dividing indefinitely >> Cancer cell
Cancer cells are characterized by chromosomal abnormalities (major mutations) and their continuous division cycles capable of producing solid tumors. Contact inhibition is a property of normal cells that refers to the ability to avoid cell proliferation, which is lost in malignant tumor cell progression. Apoptosis is a response mechanism to the DNA damage aimed at protecting against the abnormal proliferation of tumor cells. Telomerase is a DNA polymerase enzyme that synthesizes DNA by using RNA as a template. Telomerase is not active in normal somatic cells, but this enzyme is active in cancer cells in order to produce immortal cells, thereby it is widely studied and used in cancer research.