1 vote
Hello, my first time being here and I'm returning back from college and I'm now studying Java in college but I was stuck doing this last part of the assignment that I was given, I have until Monday midnight to turn this in, if anyone out there can assist me please, please do. Here's the code that I have wrote at the moment:

import java.time.LocalDate;

//Test driver class

public class TestWedding {

Wedding wedding1= null;

Wedding wedding2= null;

public void testWeddingObject = LocalDate.of(2019, 11, 9);(){

wedding1 = new Wedding(dateObject, "SantaFe", "New Mexico");

wedding2 = new Wedding(dateObject, "SantaFe", "New Mexico");

displayDetails(wedding1, wedding2)


public void displayDetails(Wedding wedding1, Wedding wedding2){

System.out.println("\\" + David);

System.out.println("and" + Sue);

System.out.println("are inviting you to their");

System.out.println(" The Big Wedding ");

System.out.println(wedding1.getWeddingDate() + " " wedding2.getWeddingDate());

System.out.println(wedding1.getLocation() + " " wedding2.getLocation());


class Person{

String David;

String Sue;

LocalDate September161994;




Please and thank you

Create a class named Person that holds the following fields: two String objects
for the person’s first and last name and a LocalDate object for the person’s
Create a class named Couple that contains two Person objects.
Create a class named Wedding for a wedding planner that includes the date of the wedding,
the names of the Couple being married, and a String for the location.
Provide constructors for each class that accept parameters for each field, and provide
get methods for each field.
Then write a program that creates two Wedding objects and in turn passes each to a method that displays all the details.
Save the files as Person.java, Couple.java, Wedding.java, and TestWedding.java.

1 Answer

3 votes


import java.time.LocalDate;

class TestWedding {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Person man1 = new Person("John", "Doe", LocalDate.parse("1990-05-23"));

Person woman1 = new Person("Jane", "Something", LocalDate.parse("1995-07-03"));

Person man2 = new Person("David", "Johnson", LocalDate.parse("1991-04-13"));

Person woman2 = new Person("Sue", "Mi", LocalDate.parse("1997-12-01"));

Couple cpl1 = new Couple(man1, woman1);

Couple cpl2 = new Couple(man2, woman2);

Wedding wed1 = new Wedding(cpl1, "Las Vegas", LocalDate.parse("2020-09-12"));

Wedding wed2 = new Wedding(cpl2, "Hawaii", LocalDate.parse("2021-01-02"));

displayDetails(wed1, wed2);


public static void displayDetails(Wedding w1, Wedding w2) {






class Couple {

private Person person1;

private Person person2;

public Couple(Person p1, Person p2) {

person1 = p1;

person2 = p2;


public String toString() {

return person1.toString() + " and " + person2.toString();




import java.time.LocalDate;

import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;

class Person {

private String firstName;

private String lastName;

private LocalDate birthDate;

public Person(String first, String last, LocalDate bdate) {

firstName = first;

lastName = last;

birthDate = bdate;


public String getFirstName() {

return firstName;


public String toString() {

DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("LLLL dd, yyyy");

return String.format("%s %s born %s", this.firstName, this.lastName, birthDate.format(formatter));




import java.time.LocalDate;

import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;

class Wedding {

private Couple couple;

private String location;

private LocalDate weddingDate;

public Wedding(Couple c, String loc, LocalDate wDate) {

couple = c;

location = loc;

weddingDate = wDate;


public String getLocation() {

return this.location;


public String toString() {

DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("LLLL dd, yyyy");


couple.toString() +

" are getting married in " + location + " on "+




Step-by-step explanation:

I used overrides of toString to let each object print its own details. That's why this solution doesn't really require any getters. I implemented some to show how it's done, but you'll have to complete it. The solution shows how to think in an OO way; ie., let every class take care of its own stuff.

User VanBantam
6.9k points