The answer is C - Theories are supported with evidence and do explain what we see in the world (Ex: The cell theory) The evidence can change or be added on to when new evidence is found.
Step-by-step explanation:
A - Theories are not hypotheses but theories start out as hypotheses. When the hypotheses gain enough evidence, they can start to become a theory, and this is after many experimentations and testings and trials and research.
B - Everyone can have theories, not just scientists. Many theories have been made on social media platforms such as r e d d i t or y o u t u b e. Some of these theories are conspiracy theories that people make based on some evidence they gather about a topic and sometimes believe is true even though it may not be true.
D - Theories are not opinions but are backed up with evidence and may have went through many trials and errors to become where it is.
E - Theories are testable ideas and scientists are always trying to make theories to be the best of what it can be. Theories have to be tested over and over again to make sure that whatever the theory is about is still valid and works.