We'll put that right now and show the calculation for the correct number, and for both of those numbers that I entered with errors.
This is the process:
Take the first 12 digits of the 13-digit ISBN
Multiply each number in turn, from left to right by a number. The first digit is multiplied by 1, the second by 3, the third by 1 gain, the fourth by 3 again, and so on to the eleventh which is multiplied by 1 and the twelfth by 3.
Add all of the 12 answers.
Do a modulo 10 division on the result from step 2. (Don't know what a modulo 10 division is? It's easy. It's just the remainder from a whole number division by 10. I bet you learned to do that in junior school, before you even learned about decimal fractions.)
Take that remainder result from step 4.If it's a zero, then the check digit is zero. If the remainders isn't zero then subtract the remainder from 10. The answer to that is your check digit.