Vpx = 120 * cos 10 = 118.2 x-component of airplane velocity
Vpy = 120 * sin 10 = 20.8 y-component of airplane velocity
Vwx = 30 cos 260 = -5.2 x-component of wind velocity
Vwy = 30 sin 260 = -29.5 y-component of wind velocity
Vx = 118.2 - 5.2 = 113 net ground x-component of plane velocity
Vy = 20.8 - 29.5 = -8.7 net ground y-component of plane velocity
V = (Vx^2 + Vy^2)^1/2 = 113.3 m/s
Caution: Wind direction is usually stated in terms of the direction
from which the wind is blowing (a NW wind means the wind is blowing
from the Northwest). If that is the meaning of the problem here then you have to reverse the signs of the wind speed components.