The simple way to get user input values is:
in C++:
Suppose hourlyWage, workHoursPerWeek and workWeeksPerYear are int type variable. So first declare and initialize these variables to 0
int workHoursPerWeek = 0;
int workWeeksPerYear = 0;
int hourlyWage = 0;
Now a print statement can be used to prompt user to enter the values for hourlyWage, workHoursPerWeek and workWeeksPerYear as:
cout<<"Enter hourly wage: ";
cout<<"Enter work hours per week: ";
cout<<"Enter work hours per year: ";
Next, to read the user input value cin statement is used which reads the values for the above variables as:
First declare the three variables and initialize the variables to 0:
int hourlyWage = 0;
int workHoursPerWeek = 0;
int workWeeksPerYear = 0;
Next, prompt the user to enter the values for these variables and read the input values. We use Scanner class to take input from user.
Scanner scnr = new Scanner(; //creates an object of Scanner class named scnr
System.out.println("Enter hourly wage: "); //prompts user to enter the value for hourly wage
hourlyWage = scnr.nextInt(); //reads the value of hourly wage from user
System.out.println("Enter work hours per week: "); //prompts user to enter the value for work hours per week
workHoursPerWeek = scnr.nextInt(); //reads the value of work hours per week from user
System.out.println("Enter work hours per year: "); //prompts user to enter the value for work hours per year
workWeeksPerYear = scnr.nextInt(); //reads the value of work hours per year from user
Step-by-step explanation:
Here is the complete JAVA program:
import java.util.Scanner; // used to take input from user
public class Salary {
public static void main (String [] args) { //start of main function
Scanner scnr = new Scanner(; //creates object of Scanner class
//declare and initialize variables
int hourlyWage = 0;
int workHoursPerWeek = 0;
int workWeeksPerYear = 0;
final int monthsPerYear = 12; //Declares as final and use standard naming
int annualSalary = 0;
int monthlySalary = 0;
/*prompts user to enter the value for hourly wage, work hours per week and work hours per year and reads the values from user. nextInt() is used to scan the next token of the input as a Int */
System.out.println("Enter hourly wage: ");
hourlyWage = scnr.nextInt();
System.out.println("Enter work hours per week: ");
workHoursPerWeek = scnr.nextInt();
System.out.println("Enter work hours per year: ");
workWeeksPerYear = scnr.nextInt();
annualSalary = hourlyWage * workHoursPerWeek * workWeeksPerYear; //computes annual salary
System.out.print("Annual salary is: ");
System.out.println(annualSalary); //displays annual salary
monthlySalary = (hourlyWage * workHoursPerWeek * workWeeksPerYear) / monthsPerYear; //computes monthly salary
System.out.print("Monthly salary is: ");
System.out.println(monthlySalary); //displays value of monthly salary
return; } }
The output and program screenshots are attached.