Based on the original price of the shirt, the percentage decrease of the price of the shirt is 10%.
How to find the percentage decrease
To find the percentage decrease of the price of the shirt, calculate the difference between the original price and the sale price, and then express it as a percentage of the original price.
Original price: $42.39
Sale price: $38.15
The decrease in price is given by:
Decrease = Original price - Sale price
Decrease = $42.39 - $38.15
Decrease = $4.24
To find the percentage decrease, divide the decrease by the original price and multiply by 100:
Percentage decrease = (Decrease / Original price) * 100
Percentage decrease = ($4.24 / $42.39) * 100
Percentage decrease ≈ 10.01
Rounded to the nearest percent, the percentage decrease of the price of the shirt is approximately 10%.
Therefore, the percentage decrease of the price of the shirt is 10%.