Simple algorithm for string-reverse problem:
Declare a string variable
Declare position variables i, j and temp
Input the string to be reversed
Find length of string
Position i at first and j at last element of string
Swap the positions i and j of string element using loop and temp
Increment i and decrement j at each iteration
Store the swapped position of string
Display the reversed string in output
Step-by-step explanation:
The corresponding C++ program of above algorithm is:
#include<iostream> //to use input output functions
using namespace std; // to access objects like cin cout
int main () { //start of main function
string str; //declare a string
char temp; // declare a temp variable
int i, j; // declare position variables
cout << "Enter a string : "; //prompts user to enter a string
getline(cin, str); //reads the input string
j = str.size() - 1; //positions j at the last character of str
for (i = 0; i < j;) { //positions i at first character of str, checks if i is less then j
temp = str[i]; //assigns the element of str at ith position to temp
str[i] = str[j]; //swaps elements at positions i and j
str[j] = temp; //assigns the element of str at jth position to temp
i++; //increments i
j--; } //decrements j
cout << "\\Reverse string : " << str; //displays the reversed string
return 0; }
The program along with the output is attached.