Bones also the protect the body organs.
Step-by-step explanation:
Bones are the provide and support the bodies help our shape and bones are strong to support our weight and very light.
- Bones are made the framework of the protein called collagen to the calcium phosphate to make the strong and hard framework.
- Bone are store the calcium into blood stream by the other body parts, calcium and vitamin are affect directly is stored to the bones.
- Bone are made to the types of the bone tissue (1) compact bone.
- Compact bone is the solid to the outside of the bone and is extremely strong and to the carrying nerves and blood vessels.
- Bones is the most blood cells are made to that contain stem cells and to that produce red blood cells to the platelets.
- Bones are the containing two types of cells,(1) bone cells are make new bone and repair damage bones.
- (2) Bones are to the mature to the help continue from the born formation, and break down and help to shape it.
- Bones cells are the surface to comprising to the protein synthesizing cells including to the reticulum vesicles.
- Bones tissues is to the concerted of actions bone formation and to the bone remodeling process.