Here is the statement that is to be added in the given program:
secretID=firstName+" "+lastName;
This statement has an operator + which is used to concatenate two strings i.e. firstName and lastName. The string stored in firstName is concatenated with the string stored in lastName with a space " " between both the string which is specified in the statement. So there are two + operators used in the above statement, one is used to concatenate firstName string followed by a space and the other is used to concatenate lastName string following a space, thus as a whole creating a new string by concatenating firstName and lastName strings together with a space between them.
Step-by-step explanation:
Here is the complete program:
#include <iostream> //used for input output functions
using namespace std; //to identify objects like cin cout
int main() { //start of main function
string secretID; // declares a string type variable
string firstName; //declares a string type variable to hold first name
string lastName;//declares a string type variable to hold last name
cin >> firstName; //reads first name from user
cin >> lastName; //reads last name from user
secretID=firstName+" "+lastName; //concatenates first and last names with a space between
cout << secretID << endl; //displays the concatenated string
return 0;}
Suppose the user enters "Barry" in firstName and "Allen" in lastName. So the output of the above program is:
Barry Allen
The screenshot of the program along with its output is attached.