To output the standard deviation using the two-pass formula:
standard deviation = [(1/n-1)∑(x - mean)^2]^0.5
def std_twopass( vector ):
total_sum = 0
mean = sum(vector)/len(vector)
for v in vector:
total_sum += (v - mean)**2
sample = 1 / ( len( vector) - 1)
std = (sample * total_sum )**0.5
print( "standard deviation using two-pass formula: ", std)
- Using one-pass formula
standard deviation = [(1/n-1)∑(x^2 - n* mean^2)]^0.5
def std_onepass( vector ):
total_sum = 0
mean = sum(vector)/len(vector)
for v in vector:
total_sum += (v**2) - ( len( vector ) *( mean**2))
sample = 1 / ( len( vector) - 1)
std = (sample * total_sum )**0.5
print( "standard deviation using one-pass formula: ", std)
Step-by-step explanation:
Both python functions calculates the standard deviation of a sample population, using the two-pass and one-pass formula respectively.