Blood flow is decreased below normal due to the build of of plaque in the arteries causing an increase in blood pressure.
Step-by-step explanation:
When fats, cholesterol,calcium , water builds up on the endothelial lining of the Coronary arteries,reducing the diameter,and therefore impeding the flow of blood,these build up is called Plaque.The diseases condition that arise from this called atherosclerosis.
With continue build up the plaque changes in the chemical components.becomes hardened, further reducing the diameter,blood volume available and therefore oxygen supply to the targeted tissues( cardiac muscles) of the heart.This leads to Ischemic heart diseases e.g chest pain-Angina. With these strokes and other complication may follows due to cut off in oxygen and nutrients rich blood to the tissues of the brains for the heart.
The impedance to the blood flow,forced load on the heart to pump blood and therefore High blood pressure.This is the problem with Steve CVS.