Language is most important part of our life. Every person pass through these stages where they develop their language skills.
Step-by-step explanation:
Most of people get excited to listen first word from their baby. There are six steps to develop a language:
- The paralinguistic stage: This is the fist stage at first year of a baby. This would includes the baby posture, gesture, eye contact, etc.
- The holo-phrase: It is related to the one complete word that complete the meaning of whole sentence such as milk, water etc.
- The two word sentence: It develop at the age of 18 months. Now the baby start to use noun and verbs. For example cat big, more sugar etc.
- Multiple word sentences: It starts from the age 2 to 3 . It is grammatically in the form. such as cat is big.
- More complex grammatical structured sentences: It started at the age of 3.5 age. The kid start to speak complex sentences such as I can play.
- Adult language : The 5 or 6 year old kid start to use these sentences. example Ask her at what time he will come.