A letter to the Principal.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Principal,
ABC School,
Subject: Practices to be discouraged and habits to be developed among students.
Respected Ma'am,
With due respect, I John Markley, the Senior Prefect, want to mention the practices that should be discouraged among the students of our school. The two main practices are- bringing mobile phones in the school and the getting aggressive very frequently. These days, it has been observed that some students are bringing mobile phones in the school and instead of attending classes they sit in the playground to use their mobile phones. This practice of keeping mobile phones in the school premises is very dangerous to the future of students. It has been also noted that the students get aggressive when they are asked to submit their mobile phones.
However, there are two habits that we should develop in our students to make them better citizens. These are- to tell a truth in all circumstances and never take a short-cut for success. We should develop the habits of speaking the truth and never take a short-cut to become successful among our students. Short-cuts often lead to the wrong paths and more problems to achieve the goal. Therefore, the teachers should organize some events to better know their students and develop new and better habits among them.
A more focus on the above points will make a difference between ours and other school's students.
Thanking You
Yours truly
John Markley (Senior Prefect)