The conflicts in the 17th century caused the English attitudes towards the Native to become hostile.
Step-by-step explanation:
The arrival of the Europeans meant a change for the Native Americans. Together with diseases, the English settlers also brought different culture and religion and superior technology. The English considered their culture better, and attitudes often offensive and narrow. The growing number of English settlers, together with their endless greed for land, unavoidably led to conflicts.
In 1630, almost a thousand settlers arrived in the New World from England. Around twenty thousand people came between 1630-1640, settling in the Massachusetts Bay area, establishing villages and cities.
A massive increase in the white population had an impact on the lives of Native Americans. They were pushed out of their land where they have resided for years after arriving from Alaska. The land confiscated under Vacuum domicilium which allowed settlers to seize the uncultivated land with force and wars.