Year Price Dividend Return
1 43.31 - -
2 48.29 0.51 12.68%
3 57.21 0.54 19.59%
4 45.29 0.60 -19.89%
5 52.21 0.65 16.71%
6 61.29 0.73 18.79%
arithmetic returns basically refer to the mean (or average) of the returns = (12.68% + 19.59% - 19.89% + 16.71% + 18.79%) / 5 = 47.88% / 5 = 9.58%
geometric returns involves multiplying the returns and then squaring them = ⁵√(1.1268 x 1.1959 x 0.8011 x 1.1671 x 1.1879) - 1 = 1.0840 - 1 = 0.084 = 8.40%