Please find the complete paragraph below; the missing words are inputed in bold.
Step-by-step explanation:
One of the most important bioethical issues facing us today is the issue of _____EXTINCTION____or a loss of biodiversity
2. Defined as variation of life on Earth __BIODIVERSITY___is the number and relative abundance of different __SPECIES__.
3. It is estimated that there are as many as __8.7 million__ species in the world though as few as __2.3 million_have actually been identified.
4. As the human population grows and demands more resources, ___BIODIVERSITY_ is threatened.
5. Human activities contribute to habitat loss, especially in the world's coral reefs and tropical rain forests. As a result, some organisms face __EXTINCTION_or the death of their species
6. The growth of the __HUMAN___ population has destroyed up to 25% of _BIODIVERSITY__ and threatened another 30% statistics are similar for __ECOSYSTEM___ .
7. Humans also face __NEGATIVE___ consequences in that we are dependent on the ecosystem we are destroying for everything from food to raw material.