1.) Greed and Corruption
2.) yes we are
Step-by-step explanation:
1.) Rome was riding high for a while because the people trusted the sanity of rulers that did the best for them and brought prosperity, as time went on, unfortunately, Roman rulers were more concerned in accumulating wealth and expoilting the citizens of Rome to do so creating a higher percentage of poverty and making the already rich people richer causing many bad decisions from rulers leading to a revolt of the people and the end of the Roman Empire.
2.) The greater difference between the rich and poor has caused a massive amount of debt and many unhappy people. With current bribery scandals and officials using their position for their own personal gain, people have started to try to change that now, leading to protests and movements to make things more equal. When the current government or the 1% don't do anything to satisfy the people, history will repeat itself and the US form of government will fall.