41/120, 7/20, 43/120, 11/30, 3/8
Write the numbers.
1/3 & 2/5
We need a common denominator, but not the least common denominator. Both 3 and 5 are factors of 60, so let's use 60 as the common denominator.
Multiply 1/3 by 20/20:
1/3 = 20/60
Multiply 2/5 by 12/12:
2/5 = 24/60
Let's multiply each fraction again, but this time by 2/2.
1/3 = 40/120
2/5 = 48/120
Now it's easy to find 5 numbers between 40 and 48, so we get:
41/120, 42/120, 43/120, 44/120, 45/120
Some of these fractions can be reduced, so our answer is:
41/120, 7/20, 43/120, 11/30, 3/8