Actividad 6 Chose the correct adjective description to agree with the highlighted subjects.
Answer 1. Mi tía es baja.
Translation 1. My aunt is short.
Answer 2. Tiene pelo corto y castaño.
Translation 2. She has short brown hair.
Answer 3. Ella es un poco gorda.
Translation 3. She is a bit fat.
Answer 4. Tiene ojos grandes y verdes.
Translation 4. She has big green eyes.
Answer 5. Sus blusas favoritas son amarillas.
Translation 5. Her favorite blouses are yellow.
Answer 6. Le gusta llevarlas con sus pantalones azules.
Translation 6. She likes to wear them with her blue pants.
Answer 7. Ella es muy simpática.
Translation 7. She is very nice.
Answer 8. Mi tía tiene un nombre bonito. Se llama Gloria.
Translation 8. My aunt has a pretty name. Her name is Gloria.
Actividad 7 Answer should look like the example. Describe what people are wearing.
Answer 1. Teresa lleva unos zapatos rojos.
Translation 1. Teresa is wearing red shoes.
Answer 2. Teresa lleva una blusa gris.
Translation 2. Teresa is wearing a gray blouse.
Answer 3. Teresa lleva un suéter naranja.
Translation 3. Teresa is wearing an orange sweater.
Answer 4. Teresa lleva un vestido amarillo.
Translation 4. Teresa is wearing a yellow dress.
Answer 5. Teresa lleva unos jeans azules.
Translation 5. Teresa is wearing blue jeans.
Answer 6. Teresa lleva una camisa roja.
Translation 6. Teresa is wearing a red shirt.