Hello. You did not provide the excerpt to which this question refers, which makes it impossible to answer your question. However, I can help you by showing you how to differentiate a beautiful, descriptive or poetic language from a language that provides concrete details.
A beautiful, descriptive or poetic language is one that provides shows arguments about a certain element, describing it in a delicate way. In this type of language, there may be a strong use of metaphors and figurative language that show a playful, dreamy and often idealized message.
An example of this can be seen in the following passage:
"My land has palm trees, // Where Sabiá sings; // The birds that chirp here, // They don't chirp like there. // Thinking, alone, at night, // More pleasure I find there; // My land has palm trees, // Where Sabiá sings.
In this excerpt, the speaker describes his land in a dreamy, nostalgic, pleasant and poetic way.
The language that provides concrete details, presents arguments without appealing to emotion, but I describe them literally, without using figurative language, or flourishes that leave poetic details.
An example of this can be seen in the passage: "The land where I was born has many trees. The birth of vegetables there is influenced by the fertile soil and the tropical climate, which also allows the existence of several animals, among them birds of several species. "