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In Matched by Ally Condie, the government is very strict and your whole life is controlled by the government.
For example; you have to die at 80; your husband/wife is chosen by the "matching machine" (I forgot what it is called); you are given three pills (which the red one you must take if instructed and you can't take if they don't say so; If you don't do what they say, you will be punished; You can't really choose your life; and the things you can decide, your not ever allowed to change.
There are many negatives to this kind of government control. In Matched, the government requires you to die at 80 years old. Maybe it doesn't matter, since old people (in this book) can't really make any more accomplishments, but who doesn't want to live more? Also, your wife/husband is chosen by a machine. Would if you are not "meant to be" or would if the machine made a mistake? In the book, Cassia did not end up falling in love with Xavier. The machine made a mistake. Also, the pills are not good. The red one erases your memory. You can only take it is the Society says so, and you must take it. The blue pill kills you. Also, if you don't do what they chose for you, you are punished.
But maybe life is simpler this way. If you are killed at 80, it might be less painfull than you dying of cancer or something. Plus you won't really accomplish anything after you get old. Also, if the machine rarely ever make mistakes, you won't have to get heartbroken so many times to find the "one" because the machine already knows. About the pills, the red one erases your memory. If something bad happened, you would have to take it and forget all about that. But usually, the things the Society wants you to forget about are about rebels and their plan. The blue pills are supposed to kill you, which isn't good at all, but it might be a lesson for not being too greedy.
Overall, I think there are more negative of the government taking control in this way. People are supposed to be free; they should be able to do whatever they want; after all, it is their life. The government wants everyone to be controlled their way, so if you disobey or do not follow, the punishments are brutal. They also don't want people to know about the rebels and/or their plans, so they force people to take the red pills. And the blue pills kill you.
The government in Matched by Ally Condie has a lot of negatives and some positives.
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